An Introverted-Extrovert

With my 6th blog if the month, I thought I’d talk about personality types. More specifically being an introverted-extrovert.

This type of personality pushes me to be social with new people and with people I already know. I love getting to meet new people and just to talk about experiences; however, there’s only so much of this I can take.

While I love talking to people and going out and about, I equally love my alone time. The time when I can just lie in bed and watch YouTube, read a book, or just write, are some of my favorite moments throughout the day. These types of moments are the ones in which I can recharge in order to be more bubbly and energetic around others.

Needless to say, I need both aspects of socializing in order to feel productive and complete and while I do love being an introverted-extrovert, it also creates some complications. For instance, whenever anyone asks me if I’m an introvert or extrovert, I just tell them both and that it’s complicated. I usually get an odd look, but then they get over it.

I think almost all of us are a bit of an introverted-extrovert, just some of us more than others.



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