A Sweet Tooth’s Dessert Guide: New York City Part One

Recently, my dad and I traveled from small town Iowa to New York City to look at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York. While my main priority while there was to look at the college, I also made it my mission to try as many desserts as possible while there.

Our first stop was to Carlos Restaurant in Bronxville. Not only was the pasta delicious, but to top off the meal we ordered a cannoli that was a glowing image of all my dessert dreams and more. The sweet treat had the perfect amount of crunch with the soft creamy center. The dessert was even complete with a healthy dose of powdered sugar, whipped cream, and strawberries–what more could a dessert lover ask for. Needless to say, if you are ever near the area I could not recommend a stop at Carlos Restaurant more.

Cannoli at Carlos Restaurant

Our next stop on our dessert journey was to Black Tap Craft Burgers and Beer. Their name leaves out one of the most important parts of the restaurant’s menu: their Crazy Shakes. For more information on all of the Crazy Shakes, I will link the menu complete with all of the details. However, for a quick rundown on the shakes for those unfamiliar with them, they are shakes complete with everything a sugar lover could dream of: candy, cookies, frosting, and more. The shake I ordered was more than I could have hoped for: a strawberry shake with a frosting coated glass, chocolates, a lollipop, rock candy, whipped cream, and cotton candy.

Cotton Candy Shake at Black Tap Craft Burgers and Beers

After being put into a sugar coma by the shakes, we opted to put the sweets aside for the night, enjoy a show on Broadway, and pick up on our mission to eat our way through New York in the morning.

Along with the sunrise came a craving for sweets so we made our way down to the famous Magnolia Bakery for a taste of their Cherry Brownies and Banana Pudding. While I’m not normally a pudding fan, I fell hard for the banana flavored treat. The concoction had the perfect combination of pudding and vanilla wafers to not only fill my craving for sweets, but also to satisfy my breakfast hunger.

Banana Pudding at Magnolia Bakery

A review of more desserts is to come in the near future, but for now I will leave you with these mouthwatering sweets to try for the next time you visit New York City. I promise, your taste buds will thank you.



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