College Decisions

Hello everyone! I know it has been a hot minute since I was last on and for that I am very sorry. This past month and a half has been nothing but crazy, from choosing a college, to graduating from high school, graduation parties, and starting a new job. I am here to address it all and today I thought I’d start with my college decision.

My college decision process began the moment I started to receive admissions decisions. Personally, I knew going into it that there were only going to be a few top contenders. For instance, I was able to initially rule out Boston University, Colgate University, and Grinnell College after I received my admission letter ultimately due to the price per year and the fact that neither university specialized in my desired major, International Relations. This does not discount the fact that all three colleges are absolutely wonderful and I would have been so lucky to be able to attend any of them in the fall of 2019, but after receiving all of my decisions I felt drawn to two other colleges: Sarah Lawrence College (SLC) and American University (AU).

After learning of my acceptance to SLC and AU I was absolutely over the moon and knew the big decision of which would I choose would be a tough one. I had visited AU in December of 2017 and loved their campus, the fact that the university was in the nation’s capitol (especially with my major), and that I would have family that lived in the DC area nearby at all times. With that in mind, I had not yet visited SLC and wanted to do so before making the ultimate choice.

After receiving my letter of acceptance from SLC, my dad and I flew to New York shortly after (as seen in my previous dessert blog). To be completely honest, I was expecting to tour the campus in the morning and accept at AU that afternoon. My hopes were not high as I truly loved AU’s campus and being in NYC slightly terrified me; however, after going on a detailed tour of the SLC campus I had never been more conflicted–I loved it.

Sarah Lawrence College

I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of my time in NYC with my dad and decided I would think it over and make a decision when I got back, after all, I still had a week until decisions and deposits were due to the college of my choice.

Even after coming back to Iowa and thinking about what I was going to do for a week I still had no idea. With this decision weighing heavy on my mind I whipped out a notepad and made a complete pros and cons list. When it came down to it, the fact that my family was in DC and that I would have opportunities to land internships in DC that could lead to a job straight out of college won me over… American University it was.

To this day I can feel that I made the right decision for me even though it was a tough one. Once my decision was made and my deposit was put down, I felt an immense rush of relief wash over me. After six months of drafting dozens of admissions essays, writing letters to references, and waiting to learn of my acceptance or denial, it was over.

I absolutely cannot wait to be in DC in the fall and while it will be quite an adjustment from the small town that I live in now, I know it will be worth it in the end and I cannot wait to share the experience with you all.

Now that you all know of my plans in the fall, I cannot wait to share my adventures of this summer with you. Stay tuned for more stories, adventures, and planning for college.



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